Transaction Lifecycle: proposers & voters

A transaction lifecycle in blockchain is the stages of sending via blockchain, be it a message, cryptocurrency, or another type of digital asset.

  1. User stakes tokens to participate

  2. Trainers submits the training result

  3. Validation: checked that itโ€™s legitimate and follows the rules

  4. Confirmation

  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until training fully completed

  6. Log the finalised data on the chain.

In the blockchain, the computer nodes are divided into two roles: proposers and voters.


โ€˜Proposersโ€™ are blockchain nodes that teach the network new things.

Their selection is based on a special system called proof-of-stake (PoS). They train ML models using their local private datasets and subsequently report updates to the blockchain.

Proposersโ€™ responsibilities:

  • Utilising local data insights to refine the global model's accuracy.

  • Implementing gradient-based algorithms or other suitable techniques for weight optimisation.

  • Collaborating in a decentralised manner through secure multi-party computation (SMPC).

  • Contributing to continuous model improvement and facilitating real-time updates to achieve localised accuracy.


Voters are a select group of blockchain nodes that form an auditing committee for quality control. During the training phase, they are tasked with scrutinising suggested changes to the networkโ€™s knowledge base to ensure that they are accurate and fair.

Voters form a consensus committee within the FLock ecosystem, selected based on specific criteria, such as reputation or staking.

During the training process, they are entrusted with:

  • Reviewing and validating aggregated model weights.

  • Employing cryptographic verification techniques to ensure the integrity of weight updates.

  • Participating in a decentralised consensus protocol to maintain learning process fairness.

  • Identifying and reporting inconsistencies or fraudulent activities.

  • Upholding transparency and integrity.

FLock's system of proposers and voters brings a new level of decentralisation, security, and efficiency to machine learning.

By combining blockchain's immutable and transparent nature with state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, FLock is setting new standards for federated learning with blockchain.

Last updated