Participate from CMD

Instruction for user to participate the training via client.

This guide will help you start running FLock and participate in the training!


Please install the following toolset to allow you to have a smoother process.

Please ensure you have enough fund! For fund please go to Before you start page for more detail.

If you are unsure with the reason why private key is used, please check our FAQ

For all Users:

  1. Unzip the file to your directory

  2. Next, go to the

    1. Connect your wallet

    2. Select a training you would like to participate

    3. Click Join to get the Task Hash

For Linux and Apple User:

  1. Then back to the client folder, find the MakeFile.testnet in the root directory.

  2. Replace the TASK_ADDRESS with Task Hash

  3. Replace the --private-key with your own key

  4. Replace the --dataset with your own dataset file name.

  5. Lastly, run make -f Makefile.testnet start1 to start the training.

For Windows User:

  1. Then back to the client folder, find the testnet.bat in the root directory.

  2. Replace the TASK_ADDRESS with Task Hash

  3. Replace the --private-key with your own key

  4. Replace the --dataset with your own dataset file name.

  5. Lastly, run testnet.bat start1 to start the training.

Last updated