Running Flock Node on Akash Network

Run Flock node on Akash network

Running a Flock Validator on Akash Network

Video Tutorial:

Stake Flock token and generate an API key

Follow the steps 1 and 2 mentioned in our validator guide to stake Flock token (FML ) for a validation task and generate an API.

Create an Akash account

You will need a Keplr or Leap wallet to create an Akash account.

Go to

Click “CONNECT WALLET” to connect a Keplr or Leap wallet.

When connected to your Keplr wallet, Akash console would show the USDC and AKT balance in your wallet. Deployment on Akash will consume your USDC or AKT.

Get AKT token

You can buy some AKT from any CEX or DEX below, then you need to transfer your AKT to your Keplr or Leap wallet.


Choose Flock validator template from templates page

(Docker image link:

Click deploy

Input your Flock API and task ID you have staked FML on.

Then change the storage to a minimum of 50Gi in builder page, click create deployment.

You can also use the YML file to create deployment. Add your Flock API Key and the Task ID

Choose a provider who is audited, click accept bid.

Then the Flock validator will run automatically in 10 min.

Create Deployment (Optional)

This section is if you wish to run your custom deployment

Click the “DEPLOY” in the upper left corner, and select “Rent GPUs” to rent a GPU

The GPU on the Akash platform is provided to users through docker containers. So you need to provide the image information of the docker container to be deployed, and the hardware configuration of the container.

Choose the GPU count, vCPU count, RAM size.

You can use flockvalidator/pytorch:2.0.1-py3.10-cuda11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04 as your docker image, use 8vCPU, 24GB Memory and 60G storage.

After the container configuration is selected, you will enter the provider selection page. You can see all providers that meet the configuration requirements, and their prices and availability are marked. Select one and proceed.

After deployment, you can enter the "SHELL" tab and use the sh command to configure the environment and run the validator.

For advanced users, you can configure sshd service and login via third-party tools such as mobaxterm, xshell.

Last updated