Local Training


  • Start the network by running make -f Makefile.local chain inside the client repo

  • Generated hash from SDK

  • Clone the repo of Client,git clone -b testcase_fedllm https://github.com/FLock-io/client.git

  • Go into client dir via cd Client

For Linux and Apple user:

Go to Makefile.local

  • Modify the MODEL_DEFINITION_HASH in the Makefile inside the client repo to match the returned hash

  • Replace the --private-key with your own key

  • Replace the --dataset with your own dataset file name.

  • Lastly, run make -f Makefile.local start1 to start the training.

For Windows User:

Go to local.bat

  • Modify the MODEL_DEFINITION_HASH in the local.bat inside the client repo to match the returned hash

  • Start the network by running make chain inside the client repo

  • Replace the --private-key with your own key

  • Replace the --dataset with your own dataset file name.

  • Lastly, run local.bat start1 to start the training.

Last updated