Smart contract design

This section dives into the design and functionality of FLock’s smart contracts.

You'll learn about:

  • The purpose of each contract

  • The data they manage

  • How they interact with other system components and external interfaces

FLock enhances the traditional system with blockchain

In the traditional system, there’s a main computer (we’ll call it a ‘hub’) that gathers and combines information from many other computers.

We have enhanced this traditional architecture with blockchain technology, specifically the integration of smart contracts, to replace the centralised hub.

Our shift towards a decentralised model leverages the inherent features of blockchain such as immutability, transparency, and traceability.

This contributes to a more secure and transparent system and a process that is more robust and sustainable long term, mitigating the risks associated with a single point of failure.

Smart Contract Architecture

FLock v1

Language: Solidity

Chain: Mumbai

Contract Components

Contract Name: FLock Token (test)

  • Purpose: This contract is use for native FLC token, current version: v1

  • Contract Address: 0x95c5746A0E7c73b6Af16048d4e79dA294b8b7116

  • Max supply: 11,000,000

Contract Name: FLock Task Manager

  • Purpose: Act as a Task manager, when user will create task through the task manager contract for indexing and management purpose

  • Contract Address: 0x2afFceA0b4489658dFAF8a6e53dE5F5108BFeD75

Contract Name: FLock Task

  • Purpose: FLock Task contract will be the aggergator for federated learning. Where we managed to create an on-chain aggergation with voting mechnism to ensure data validity and effectiveness.

  • This contract will deploy by FLock Task Manager

  • Example Contract Address: 0x199057a66d9e61535de36bdc914051a2c28d0a00

Last updated