AI Assistants - Farcaster GPT, Scroll GPT and many more to come!

FLock is at the forefront of decentralized training platforms, enabling the development and deployment of AI assistants in a collaborative environment. By leveraging community contributions and innovative training techniques, FLock exemplifies how decentralized platforms can revolutionize AI development. Two notable AI assistants, Farcaster GPT and Scroll GPT, serve as real-life use cases of FLock's capabilities.

Farcaster GPT: Harnessing Community Collaboration

Farcaster GPT is an AI assistant developed through the innovative AI Arena. This project marked a significant milestone as it was part of the first-ever hackathon for AI Arena, hosted during the Base Onchain Summer Buildathon. The development process exemplified community-driven collaboration, where participants were tasked with training a chatbot using Farcaster documentation.

The winning model, developed by Yifan Xie, is available on Hugging Face: Mistralai-Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3. This model showcases the potential of community collaboration in achieving significant advancements in AI development. The success of Farcaster GPT highlights how FLock facilitates the creation of powerful AI models through decentralized and collaborative efforts.

Scroll GPT: A Community-Driven RAG-based Model

Scroll GPT is another exemplary AI assistant, co-created by the community, and is hosted on the FLock platform. This model is based on Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), which enhances the chat experience by integrating external knowledge sources. The collaborative nature of Scroll GPT's development illustrates how FLock enables community members to contribute their expertise and knowledge.

Hosted at FLock, Scroll GPT offers a live chat interface where users can contribute their knowledge and earn points. This interactive platform fosters continuous improvement of the AI model, driven by real-time contributions from the community.

FLock's collaboration with other community projects and protocols, such as Scroll, exemplifies its ability to integrate with broader ecosystems. Through partnerships and campaigns, FLock empowers participants to earn additional points, incentivising active engagement and knowledge sharing. This collaborative model demonstrates how decentralised platforms like FLock can facilitate innovation and community growth, setting a new standard for AI development.

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