Create a discord bot with Model API


This tutorial guides you through the process of creating a Discord bot powered by the FLockRAG model. The bot can respond intelligently to user queries and automate tasks within the server.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn how to create a chatbot on FLock’s AI Co-Creation platform

  • How to create a simple chat bot on discord

  • Link up the chat bot with AI endpoint to create a AI-driven Chatbot.

Technology Stack

  • JavaScript

How it Works

Before we get into the actual development, lets first run down through the function requirement

  • We want to interact with the bot using slash comments.

    • The command should include a prompt parameter for the bot.

  • The new chat should take place in a private thread.

  • All chats should only be visible to the caller user.

There will be three sections we will cover in this tutorial

  • Setup Discord bot from discord developer portal

  • Setup your RAG bot from AI Co-Creation platform

  • Create a Discord bot with Discord.js

  • Test and run the Discord bot from local environment.

Creating Your Bot on Discord

  • Go to Discord's Developer Portal and log in with your Discord account.

  • Click on the "New Application" button and give it a name, which will also be the name of your bot.

    • On this page, you will find the APPLICATION ID and PUBLIC KEY.

  • In the left-hand side menu, click on the "Bot" tab. Here, you will find your bot token.

    • Remember, the bot token is sensitive and should never be shared. You will use this token to log your bot in.

AI Co-Creation Setup

To create a bot from AI Co-Creation platform

  • Click on the Create my Model

  • Follow the requirement, and fill in all the details.

Bot Creation

Step 1: Setting Up Your Project

mkdir flock-io
cd flock-io
npm init -y

These lines helps us to create directory, change to the created directory and setup package.json

Step 2. Install package

npm install discordjs dotenv axios

This help us to install all the required package

  • discordjs

  • dotenv

  • axios

Step 3. Build the bot

Our tutorial is based on DiscordJS guide

Refer to our previous requirements, we want this bot to achieve:

  • Allow a chatbot slash command

  • React to slash command with prompt

Create an index.js file, where we will write our bots’s code. Then, set up your Client as follow:

import { Client } from "discord.js";

const client = new Client({
  intents: ["Guilds", "GuildMessages", "GuildMembers", "MessageContent"],

client.on("ready", () => {
  console.log(`${client.user.tag} has logged in.`);


Then we add the slash command

Step 4. Adding a Slash Command

To interact with the Discord API and create slash commands, you'll need to use Discord's application commands API. Here, I'll show you how to register a chatbot command and respond to it.

  1. Register the Command: Commands can be registered globally or to a specific guild for testing. For simplicity, we'll register a global command, which might take up to an hour to propagate.

  2. Responding to Commands: Modify your bot to listen for interactions and respond to the chatbot command.

Further explanation to command variable

  • setName - set the name for this command

  • setDescription - set the description for this command

  • addStringOption - add an option that accepts string input, in our case we want to gather the prompt text from user.

const commands = [
  new SlashCommandBuilder()
    .setDescription("Chat with the bot")
    .addStringOption((option) =>
        .setDescription("Prompt for the chatbot")

const rest = new REST().setToken(process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN);

(async () => {
  try {
      `Started refreshing ${commands.length} application (/) commands.`

    const data = await rest.put(
      Routes.applicationGuildCommands(process.env.APP_ID, process.env.GUILD_ID),
      { body: commands }

      `Successfully reloaded ${data.length} application (/) commands.`
  } catch (error) {

Step 5. Handle the command

Within Discordjs , they provided a status called interactionCreate where we sets up an event listener that waits for an interaction to occur.

client.on("interactionCreate", async (interaction) => {
  // Code to handle the interaction goes here

Next we check few conditions

  • Has user inputed command

  • If user inputed command, is the command name equal to chatbot.

if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return;

if (interaction.commandName === "chatbot") {
  // Proceed to handle the `chatbot` command

Recapping on the requirement

  • Create a thread upon user’s command.

But in Discord there is an issue if we set the reply as ephemeral(private) the API will not be able to pick it up.

Therefore our execution flow should be: User interact → Discord sends out a helper text(Public) → use this helper text as the thread starting node → Create a private thread

Step 6. Sending a Preliminary Reply

  • Inside the command check, it first sends a reply to the interaction with a message indicating that a personal thread is being prepared: const message = await interaction.reply({ ... });.

    • fetchReply: true tells Discord to return the sent message as a Message object.

    • ephemeral: false specifies that the message should be visible to everyone, not just the user who invoked the command. This is necessary because the bot intends to start a thread based on this message.

const message = await interaction.reply({
  content: "Preparing your personal thread...",
  fetchReply: true,
  ephemeral: false

Step 7. Starting a Thread

  • Then we start a thread from the reply message: const thread = await message.startThread({ ... });. Adding PrivateThread to ensure thread is only visible to command caller.

// Starting a thread from the bot's message
const thread = await message.startThread({
	name: prompt,
	autoArchiveDuration: 60,
	type: ChannelType.PrivateThread,
	reason: "Needed a separate thread for User Prompt",

Step 8. Sending a Message to the Thread

  • After creating the thread, the bot gets ready to send a message to it. There are discussions about sending a basic greeting message directly or using a function called main(prompt) you can check the Model API guide, to generate a response based on the user's prompt and then send that response to the thread.

// Send a message to the thread using the flock-api.js file
const response = await main(prompt);

// Option
await interaction.followUp({
  content: `Your personal thread ${prompt} is ready!`,
  ephemeral: true,
client.on("interactionCreate", async (interaction) => {
  if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return;

  if (interaction.commandName === "chatbot") {
    // Reply with a non-ephemeral message
    const message = await interaction.reply({
      content: "Preparing your personal thread...",
      fetchReply: true,
      ephemeral: false, // This message needs to be non-ephemeral to start a thread

    // Get the prompt from the user
    const prompt = interaction.options.getString("prompt");
    const user = interaction.user;

    // Starting a thread from the bot's message
    const thread = await message.startThread({
      name: prompt,
      autoArchiveDuration: 60,
      type: ChannelType.PrivateThread,
      reason: "Needed a separate thread for User Prompt",
    // Send a message to the thread using the flock-api.js file
    const response = await main(prompt);

		// Option
    await interaction.followUp({
      content: `Your personal thread ${prompt} is ready!`,
      ephemeral: true,

Step 9: Deployment and Testing in a Local Environment

To deploy the application locally:

  1. Update the package.json File: Insert the following code snippet into your package.json file under the scripts section:

    "scripts": {
        "start": "node index.js"
  2. Launch the Application: Execute the command below in your terminal:

    npm run start
  3. Verify the Output: Upon successful execution, you should observe an output similar to the following:

    > discord-flock@1.0.0 start
    > node index.js
    Started refreshing 1 application (/) commands.
    Successfully reloaded 1 application (/) commands.
    FLockbot_tim_test#6051 has logged in.

    These log messages indicate that your bot is now operational and running in your local environment.

Next we need to add the bot to a server.

  • You can add the bot using this URL

<><**APPLICATION ID**>&permissions=0&scope=bot%20applications.commands
  • In your server you can type in following command

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